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Bill C-6 [electronic resource] : an Act to amend the International Boundary Waters Treaty Act.
Bill C-15 : an Act to amend the International Boundary Waters Treaty Act / David Johansen.
Reports upon the survey of the boundary between the territory of the United States and the possessions of Great Britain from the Lake of the Woods to the summit of the Rocky Mountains, authorized by an Act of Congress approved March 19, 1872 / Archibald Campbell, Commissioner, Captain W.J. Twining, Chief Astronomer.
Joint report upon the survey and demarcation of the boundary between the United States and Canada from the Gulf of Georgia to the northwesternmost point of Lake of the Woods in accordance with the provisions of articles VI and VII of the treaty signed at Washington April 11, 1908, and articles I, II, and IV of the treaty signed at Washington, February 24, 1925.
Joint report upon the survey and demarcation of the boundary between the United States and Canada from the northwesternmost point of Lake of the Woods to Lake Superior in accordance with the provisions of Article V of the Treaty signed at Washington, April 11, 1908, and Article I of the Treaty signed at Washington, February 24, 1925.
Bill C-15 [electronic resource] / : an act to amend the International Boundary Waters Treaty Act / prepared by David Johansen.
Borders matter : Homeland Security and the search for North America / Daniel Drache.
Common borders, shared destinies : Canada, the United States and deepening integration / Micheal Hart and william Dymond.
Thrust and counterthrust : the genesis of the Canada-United States boundary / by H. George Classen.
Borderlands reflections : the United States and Canada / by Lauren McKinsey and Victor Konrad.

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