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Declaration of the federated states and regional governments on climate change.
Climate change 2014 : mitigation of climate change : summary for policymakers / by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Working Group III.
Climate change : leading practices by provincial and territorial governments in Canada.
Hot air : meeting Canada's climate change challenge / Jeffrey Simpson, Mark Jaccard, and Nic Rivers.
Provincial power play : breaking away from federal inaction on climate change.
Establishing national authorities for the CDM : a guide for developing countries / Christiana Figueres, editor.
Prince Edward Island and climate change : a strategy for reducing the impacts of global warming.
Towards the creation of a sustainable transportation system for Manitoba : a discussion paper on policy options.
The Climate Change Convention and the Kyoto Protocol [electronic resource] / Tim Williams, Michelle Zakrison.
Burning our money to warm the planet : Canada's ineffective efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions / by Mark Jaccard,... [et al].

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